Item 1

There are N people in a room, each wear a birthday hat of a specific colour.

They can see other people's hats but not their own.

One of them shouted, "If you can see at least 6 yellow hats and at least 6 white hats, raise your glass!"

Exactly 12 people raised their glasses.

What is the possible value of Nthat fits this case?


We know that there are 6 people with yellow hats and 6 people with white hats.

But they cannot see their hats, so there must be more people.

If there are 7+ people with a yellow hat and 7+ people with a white hat, then there are 14+ people who would raise theirglasses-- more than the actual 12.

Therefore there must be 6 people with a hat of one colour (say, yellow), and more than 6 with a hat of the other colour (white). 

The people with a yellow hat can see only 5 other yellow hats, so they don't raise their glasses.

But all people with a white hat will raise their glasses.

Therefore there are 12 people with white hats.

Add the 6 with a yellow hat, and we get a total of 18.